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Public urged to support research into Australian Lyme-like disease

March 14, 2018

(L-R) Professors Peter Irwin and Una Ryan with Dr Charlotte Oskam and Rebecca Vary from the CWA.

Researchers from the Vector and Water Borne Pathogen Research Group (VWBPG) at Murdoch University have launched an initiative aimed at supporting critical research into Australian Lyme-like disease.

Professors Peter Irwin and Una Ryan, co-directors of the VWBPG, said intense public and government concern about the potential for tick-borne disease in Australia has led to a now urgent need for new research using cutting edge, advanced DNA technology in order to properly inform the debate.

“Over the last 30 years recognition of a “Lyme-like” syndrome has emerged, the onset of which has been attributed to people bitten by native Australian ticks,” Professor Irwin said.

“There have been manifestations of an undiagnosed illness causing significant patient distress, with symptoms presenting in a similar fashion to tick-borne diseases overseas.”

Dr Charlotte Oskam, one of the VWBPG team leaders at Murdoch University, said the group has a proven track record in studying bacteria and other microorganisms within Australian ticks, with over 55 years’ experience. Researchers from the VWBPG were also involved in the 2016 Australian Senate parliamentary inquiry, which investigated growing evidence of an emerging tick-borne disease that causes a Lyme-like illness for many Australian patients.

“Our knowledgeable team has been studying ticks for many years, with our unique approach leading to the identification of potential pathogens carried by ticks in Australia,” Dr Oskam added.

“We are seeking the support of the general public to help fund pilot research into screening human specimens from people suffering from locally acquired tick-borne illness for potential microbial candidates for a locally acquired tick-borne illness in Australians.

“Our total funding aim is to reach $100,000 which will fund all three stages of this nationwide project. We have already received a generous donation of $35,000 from the Country Women’s Association (CSA) of NSW and the Lyme Disease Association of Australia (LDAA)”

A Study into Potential Infections transmitted by ticks

April 02, 2018

The Murdoch research team – the Vector and Water-borne Pathogen Research Group at Murdoch University – has studied vector-borne diseases in animals for many years, receiving over $1million funding from the Australian Research Council and others in the last four years to investigate the microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa and viruses) within Australian ticks. Dr Miles Beaman, Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist, Deputy CEO and Director of Pathology at Western Diagnostic Pathology (WDP) is providing assistance with sample collection and courier to Western Australia via WDP

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